Welcome! Вітаємо! There are many ways to help Ukraine and Ukrainians right now. We are doing our small part by performing at fundraisers, speaking with the media, sharing our music, and donating 100% of our album proceeds (along with Jalopy Records) to help Ukraine.
And we organized a concert!
So far album proceeds and concert tickets total over $7,000. Thank you for your generosity!!
Album for Sale
Ukrainian Village Voices and Jalopy Records are donating 100% of our album sale proceeds from Bandcamp. We donated the first segment of funds to Grupa Granica (Border Group) and Stowarzyszenie Folkowisko (Folk-life Association) – organizations that are providing on-the-ground, humanitarian assistance to refugees at the Polish-Ukrainian border. Going forward we will donate all sales to Razom for Ukraine, an incredible NYC-based nonprofit.
Our album highlights the music we sing and the traditions we honor – beautiful, powerful, funny, and hopeful songs from Ukraine’s vibrant villages.
Available both digitally and as a physical CD (restocked!).
Your support of Ukraine means the world to us!
Photographer: AJ Stetson
We are performing at various events in and around New York City, many of which are fundraisers to help Ukraine. Visit our performances page to see what we’ve been up to and what’s coming up. Note that our Facebook and Instagram (@ukrainianvillagevoices) get the latest updates most quickly!
We also send periodic emails about our events and workshops. If you like the sound of that, sign up below!